Sunday, March 28, 2010

Latest Netflix

Last night, N and I watched Lars and the Real Girl. Who knew a movie could be sweet, poignant and yet slightly disturbing?
The movie before that was The Ideal Husband. I'll admit, I had a tough time staying awake for that one. It wasn't the movie's fault, it was my glass of wine and the comfort of the couch. I'll probably give it another shot. It's just the kind of movie I like. :>)


Rebekah said...

I love Lars and the Real Girl. The premise of the movie sounds really dumb, but somehow its not at all. It's touching.

KandN said...

I loved the sweet lady at their church who stood up for Lars. :>) It was like she led the community into raising Lars (filling in all the missing pieces left by his heartbroken father), using Bianca (was that the doll's name?) as a role model.