Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Someone's Hammering on the Roof

N's awesome when it comes to tackling a project. He noticed the blue sky day on the weather forecast, bought needed supplies the day before, and got busy working right after breakfast. I went out to see how things were going and there was neighbor G and C, lending a hand and verbal assistance.

Which leaves me much relieved, knowing there are other eyes watching in case of injuries. Keeps me from heading outside every 15-20 minutes, to make sure N's still okay. And I'm also glad, because it was their tree that made the hole in our roof, and it may open the door to more discussion about the fate of those trees and the arborvitae hedge that's had better years.

And so, many thanks to this blue sky day and to neighbors. Personally, I'm certain that without the sky taunting me, those Venetian blinds would still be dusty--not that the neighbors care. BUT my old nose does. How's your day going? Love, K

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