And speaking of hurting ourselves ... Recently I began having knee pain. The kind of pain that can bother during the day, but keeps you awake at night. Stretching my quads helped somewhat yet myofascial release seemed to aggravate it.
Then I took a couple days off of the daily treadmill habit (not on purpose, just busier than normal) and the pain eased up considerably. Yet after a few more days of not walking, I quickly discovered, staying off of the treadmill wasn't working -- the pain had returned. I checked the wear on my shoes and noticed it was time to replace them. "Aha!", I thought to myself, "problem solved!". And then -- another "nope", as the hurt returned with new shoes.
It was time to sit down with myself and think about any possible change in my daily routine that might be the culprit. I think that made me become more aware of my daily exercises and how I sit. After weeks of trying, the mystery was solved, after I FINALLY noticed that the pain decreased on a day I had missed my morning shower. It was all about an exercise I was doing in the shower--- a kind of "limbo dance" backwards stretch. I'd been overly proud of how far I was able to bend apparently. What a dope am I! But at least I hurt less.
Love, K