Saturday, January 23, 2021

My Mess of a Nest

 Since our current situation began, I've unintentionally built myself quite the messy little nest, here at the dining room table. Maybe once, maybe twice, I've done some sorting of letters received, tossed the accumulated junk mail and made a small effort to tidy. But that's it. I spend more time in this chair, than ever before--not proud, but not ashamed. 

Of course, now that I'm sitting here writing and musing, there's a niggling urge to do some major tidying and maybe even washing this sad, pitiful tablecloth. Don't worry, that mood won't last. Most likely, I'll be distracted by something on the radio (Live Wire just started), or I'll remember something I wanted to tell N. 

Sometimes, not often, I think of creating a space for myself in the "futon room", where our office and N can be found. But ... I like view from here. The birds, squirrels, weather, neighbors and the changing light, provide enough. Enough for now. Love, K

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