Saturday, April 5, 2008

Pink popcorn OR cherry blossoms??

Yesterday was one of those days where things just seemed to happen and as Dillon described it, "it was the fun-est day EVER!".
Turned out that the date that was scheduled for the fire department to bring their truck didn't get written on the calendar. So about 30 minutes into our day, the office called to notify us that "there's a firetruck here for your class". It was windy and cold, but we didn't care. They gave us a tour of the firetruck and a reporter followed us around writing notes about this valuable, community, education program that is about to be cut from the fire department budget. Fireman Bill gave us ice cream treats for bringing back our form stating that we checked our smoke alarms. We went back to our classroom, just in time to make planes with our buddies. We flew them outside for a little while, said goodbye to our buddies and then went back outside to eat our treats. After that it was time to say goodbye for the week. The afternoon was pretty much the same, except we knew the fire department was coming and a photographer came instead of a reporter.
F and I, grabbed a mocha and then drove out to World Market and Bed Bath & Beyond to dink around for a couple of hours. I was tired, but it's good to get the girl out of the house.
I put leftovers in the microwave, made happy hour and then F's friend Kasey stopped by for a bit. The rest of the night I messed around on Sierra Trading Post's site and then dozed in front of the TV. "I'm such good company!", she said sarcastically.
This morning, Shirley and I, met at Sassy Onion for her belated birthday breakfast. Such a gift to sit and visit with her for a couple of hours. Hours that never seem 60 minutes long.

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