Monday, May 3, 2010

The Weekend

This is one of my favorite times of the year--heading out to the nurseries.  Our favorite is Fessler's out on Monitor McKee Road.  Since we were out in the neighborhood, we made a stop at Bauman's.  While we were there, we walked around the garden path, bought some donuts and tomato plants and dined in the green house.  :>)


sweet sue said...

susie has that one blooming in her yard right now

smc said...

Is that first picture of the purple/white flowers lilacs? If so, I have never seen such a beautiful one. Do you know what it is called?

KandN said...

It was a lilac bush--called Sensation. That's why I took a pic--it really caught my eye. The bush is at Bauman's, behind their big greenhouse off the parking lot. They have this sweet path through a landscaped area.