Our living room ceiling has been needing a new coat of paint. In most households, anyone could take on that job, but I've discovered this is one of those things my color deficiency interferes with. The last time we painted the living room, it wasn't until we had all the clean-up completed and the room put back together, that we could see the stripes of old I had missed. You think it's tough for you to see new white paint on old? You should try looking at it with my eyes. :>P I suppose it might be possible if we had more natural light in our house. Yeah, I'll go with that.
While I helped N finish up that task, I heard a crash--somewhere in the house. The dogs were within view, Fran was napping in her bedroom and I wasn't seeing any reasons for the . . . until I took a second look into the utility room. The two big pantry shelves N put up in the utility room eight to ten years ago, had crashed to the floor. (Thankfully, no jars were broken and no flour or sugar had escaped.) Earlier that day, I had added a small box of crackers to one of those shelves. Evidently, it was the straw that broke the camel's back (or pulled the heavy duty fastener from the wall).
While he began to sort that out, with the first of 3 trips to the hardware store, I took Fran to an appointment. By the looks of the main bathroom, the toilet decided to join the party and have issues, too.
Maybe I'll shut-up for now and quit trying to nudge him into ripping up the dining room carpet, cover up the old paneling in the living room and do a mini re-do on the little bathroom. Heck, there's always next month!
Oh there's always more to do, isn't there! Glad you didn't have any major damage from the crash! :)
I've been holding off on projects, due to other stuff in our lives, but a wee voice in my head says, "this is the time! proceed! onward!".
Yes, it's a persistent little voice. :>)
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