Thursday, July 8, 2021

Interesting Week

 On Monday, I stepped out of the shower, to discover approximately 40 flies (not drain flies) on the bathroom floor--looking like they were stumbling out of a bar into the daylight. They seemed to continue coming out of wherever they were coming from for the next couple of hours. Then it stopped. The next morning, there were more, though (thankfully) only half as many as the day before. 

We still have no clue how they got into the house, but we do have theories. Perhaps some living creature got into our attic and perished during the extreme heat, and maybe the flies that hatched from the maggots came through our bathroom fan? Hard to say, but I'm glad it seems to be over. 

And I'm trying preemie diapers on Hope dog. At first it was difficult to keep them on her skinny little bum--she's still a little Houdini at 17 years old. Cue, "Find the Diaper" game music. 

This week, I've done some fine tuning and discovered that a sheet clip works as a nice way to clip diaper to her halter. Which meant, I could remove the archipelago of small rugs, I've been using as crude, unreliable, urine catchers, and shampoo the beegeebers out of the carpet. Felt like winning to me, though who knows what Hope thinks.

But, though the week isn't over, the cherry on top, was getting a great haircut out on the deck. That was a sweet first. Love, K

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