Saturday, April 11, 2020

Grateful for a Backyard

     Now that the warmer, sunnier days are popping up more often, I can feel a little of the anxiety lift. I can't explain it. Maybe it's the possibility of a different activity--whether it's sitting with a book and a cup of tea on the deck, strolling around to see the new growth or just a slight shift in perspective, apparently that's enough to lift our attitude.

     Changing your perspective--it's a personal and important method for shaping how we see things through our mental lens. A broader view of a large problem can feel overwhelming, but if we can break it down and change the terms we frame it with--the difference can be huge.

     Now to find a way to pique my own interest on making and sticking to a to-do list. Pretty sure that will require more than a shift of attitude . . . perhaps I need to find a spare kick in the pants.


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