Sunday, April 12, 2020

Dog Grooming Day = Winning

     One day, after musing about grooming the dogs, we realized that the trimming mostly follows a seasonal rhythm. Which makes sense, because we probably mentally pause during the change of seasons, regarding what needs to be done around the house, etc.

     Both dogs were fairly well behaved during their individual sessions today. They each have their 'areas' they tend to protect--whether it's due to a past bad grooming experience or it's one of their tender spots. We acknowledge, troubleshoot and do our best to make it work. Now that they're both getting older/elderly, I've noticed when I'm holding them during trimming, once in awhile I swear they're dozing.

     But yeah--an activity that can take half a day during the Stay at Home? Bring it on! (Do I have any fur on my face?)

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