Sunday, April 26, 2020

Old Wives' Tales

Old Wives' Tales--they've been rolling around in my head, ever since someone shared a questionable audio file with me via FB messenger. It wasn't necessarily a dangerous piece of misinformation, but it wasn't what it claimed to be. Doctors/epidemiologists, wouldn't be suggesting gargling with a vinegar solution as a way to remove the virus from someone's throat.

But once I listened to it, I began to think of my Mother. Yes, you Mom--the person I never gave enough credit to. You may not have graduated high school, (she married Dad at 16), but you were a voracious reader, with a scientific kind of mind.

I may not have appreciated all of your advice at the time, but I see you now. I see you doing all you could for your family. Even though I wasn't a fan of what I decided were 'old fashioned' remedies, I see now how they made sense and probably helped.

I have a hunch you'd be amused when you read that post from someone talking about their mother safety pinning a damp towel around their neck, when they were suffering from an upper respiratory bug. Yes, you did that, too, and yes, I might be more appreciative now. But I have to share with you, Mom, gargling in the shower is the way to go. Not that I ever listened to your advice . . .

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