Thursday, June 9, 2022

Drooling While Reading

I've been having a problem with the current novel. Some novels are difficult to put down and others can be difficult to get into, depending on reader's expectations or mood or ?. My pen pal cousin and I are reading this book together for the month of June. So yesterday I sent cousin a text sharing my book lapse. Typing it out and reading her reply seemed to be the encouragement I needed to take that book out to the deck for an hour or more. 

During that hour, as the main character was dining alone in his hotel restaurant, he recommended a dish to a pair of young nearby diners. Along with the recommendation was his detailed delicious memory of that dish, Latvian Stew: 

“...the onions thoroughly caramelized, the pork slowly braised, and the apricots briefly stewed, the three ingredients came together in a sweet and smoky medley that simultaneously suggested the comfort of a snowed-in tavern and the jangle of a Gypsy tambourine.”

Of course my stomach insisted I had to put the book down, pick up my phone and do a quick search. That's when I discovered a blog post written by another reader who stopped mid-read to savor the tasty words. Reassuring to know I'm not as strange as I often fear. 

Love, K

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