Thursday, March 18, 2021

Color Me Covid Curious

 Some time during the past covid-week (a week of indeterminate number of days), I read an article that proclaimed from the get-go: "You're not the same person you were before the pandemic". I skimmed and scoffed and then shared with N. 

And he agreed. It's possible I was (briefly) gobsmacked by his casual response, embracing the article's assertion. "What do you mean?", I asked, urging his explanation out of his mouth. 

"There's no way our old selves could've handled the pandemic for such a long period of time. Our lives have become condensed. We are not the same people we were at the beginning." As usual, I searched for a chink in his statement, but was overcome with the realization of the truth he uttered--that agreed with the article's author.

Does that mean we're all adaptable, to different degrees? Do we have to be open to it, or experienced with changes? What makes one person able to deal and another spend all their effort and emotion resisting? 

I'm curious. Love, K

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