Thursday, February 18, 2021

. . . And We're Back . . . Mostly

 After reading the weather reports and listening to the local forecasters, we had a hunch that things might get dicey here in "Tree City USA". I took a trip to get the week's groceries earlier in the week than the covid usual, hoping that would be the only wishful insurance we'd need.

We were streaming our current series on the television, Friday night, when we started to hear the booms of transformers blowing and our lights flickered, went off, returned, more booms, more flickering and finally darkness. The television was silent, but the transformers and trees were not.

That night in bed, we continued to hear (and feel) the booms, crashes and thuds, with what sounded like smaller explosions. I was wide awake with worry, not just for the house, but because N needs electricity to use his needed sleep machine. After talking to neighbor G, a day later, they were doing much the same in their house that night.

The next day, we discovered one of neighbor G's Ash tree tops, poking through the sheetrock, inside our garage. Smallish hole, no car damage, so far not bad. N began cleanup and inspection of our street, with Junior across the way. They cleared branches from other neighbors' yards and drives, over the next couple of days.

By Wednesday, we were getting a bit more weary of living in the winterized trailer, while needing to use the plumbing in the house--difficult to complain, when we have a warm place to stay and cook with our two elderly dogs. By noon, we had a crew of 3 PGE trucks at the top of our road. 

After a couple of hours work, they started to drive down our road. And that's when people began to stream out of their front doors--we'd all been hearing many stories of the PGE thinking a neighborhood was with power again and leaving. But no, they were headed to the bottom of the road to finish the job. A short while later, N came into the trailer to exclaim the lights were back on! Such excitement!

Our one year old induction oven, seems to have been damaged due to the power surge, so we still have things to deal with. Yet having a normal morning--right now, this year--that's priceless. Hoping the same for everyone still cold and dark. Hang in there, power's on the way.

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